infographics about writing a business law assignments with the animation related to law and business

How to Write Business Law Assignment

Starting on an business law assignment requires a clear understanding of how the law works in relation to business. Consider relevant legal frameworks, considering the implications they could have on practice. Conduct research that shall inform the analysis, taking into consideration any case studies and legal theories. 

The assignment should be well-structured, starting with a clear introduction, then a detailed literature review, followed by rigorous case analysis. This blog, if followed correctly, would produce a well-rounded and insightful document that examines business law’s role in modifying corporate strategy and operations. It will help you to produce professionally written business law assignment.

Purpose of Writing Business Law Assignment

  • Identifying legal principles
  • Application to theory and practice
  • Development of analytical skills
  • Research skill development
  • Communication
  • Application of legal reasoning
  • Practical experience and insights
  • Ethical and regulatory awareness

Format of Business Law Assignment

Title Page

  • The title of the assignment is effectively demonstrated.
  • Student’s name, course and instructor identified.
  • Submission date and institution name.
  • Professional and appropriate formatting is shown.

Table of Contents

  • Main sections or subsections used.
  • Page numbers are easy to navigate.
  • Reflects assignment’s structure.
  • Check and update every time a new section is complete


  • Section and context for business law set.
  • The purpose and scope of the study are clearly stated.
  • Aims and objectives are listed
  • Interesting the reader by, for example, presenting shocking statistics

Literature Review

  • ONGL Synthesizes relevant legal theories and.
  • Discuss different perspectives about the issue.
  • Identify the gaps and points of further investigation.

Case Analysis

  • Critical examination of selected cases
  • Facts, issues, and legal argument
  • Case verdicts and values
  • Discussion that connects the analysis to assignment objectives


  • Identify theoretical significance and ramifications
  • Examine whose and what views are considered
  • Connect case examples to theoretical material
  • Emphasize practical lessons and recommendations


  • Overview of important facts and lessons
  • Re-iterate significance of the subject
  • Final thoughts and ending
  • Mention avenues for future research


  • Include all references from the assignment.
  • Consistently use an appropriate citation style.
  • Ensure all references are strictly valid and complete.
  • Follow formatting guidelines for references.

Appendices (as necessary)

  • Contains additional materials or data.
  • Ensure all appendices are clearly labeled.
  • Refer to appendices in main text.
  • Provide additional information as needed.

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Comprehensive Guide Step by Step

Title Page

This is the first impression about your business assignment and gives an estimate of what to expect in the body.

Title: It should therefore reflect the focus of your analysis, for example ” Legal Implications of Intellectual Property in E-Commerce”.

Your Full Name: It should appear objectively written to indicate your full name for purposes of authoring the assignment.

Course Name and code: This indicates the name of the course, and the code assigned, as this helps in sorting out the assignment appropriately.

Name of Instructor: Mention the name of your professor/instructor as this would help him/her identify for whom the work has been submitted.

Date of Submission: This mentions the date when you would be submitting the assignment. This is helpful in maintaining records for deadlines and the date on which the submission was made.


The introduction forms a background for the whole assignment.

Introduction of Legal Topic: Describe, in this part, the specific legal issue or concept that you will be covering. For example, using the case of IP rights in electronic commerce, explain what is meant by IP and the importance, in today’s era with most things being technology-driven, of this concept.

Explanation of Relevance: You must explain the relevance of your topic in relation to business law. For example, the protection of IP regarding e-commerce businesses is quite crucial for any business seeking to safeguard its innovations and hold a competitive advantage.

Statement of Purpose: The aim of your assignment must be clearly stated. Make sure to clearly define what you want to achieve, whether it is to evaluate the impact IP law has on e-commerce or assess the legal risks and how the strategies for compliance will be adopted.

Legal Framework

In this section, you will discuss the applicable legal principles. In other words, outline the legal principles.

Major laws and regulations pertaining to your topic at hand must be explained here. For instance, with regards to IP in e-commerce, you would have to explain a few types of IP, such as copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets. You would have to explain the relevance of each type and how it applies to online business activities.

Relevant Case Law: Discussed below are the important court cases that helped to develop the legal landscape. You may want to refer to some of the landmark cases involving IP, such as Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co., and how the courts have interpreted the IP rights within the technology sectors.

Impact on Businesses: Analyze the impact of these laws on businesses. Consider the implications for business in terms of compliance, risk management, and strategic planning. One instance is how the application of IP rights would affect how an e-commerce site would protect its digital assets and address infringement claims.

Case Analysis or Scenario

The student is now required to take the legal framework and apply it to a given scenario:

Present Case: You could use a live or hypothetical case that is relevant to your topic. For example, a case where there is a lawsuit against an e-commerce company claiming that the company infringed an alleged copyright.

Issue Analysis: Go into a critical analysis of the legal issues in this case. What are the key arguments? For example, one might ask, “Determine whether or not the e-commerce company’s actions amount to a breach of the existing copyright laws.” Discuss the legal principles and precedents in the case.

Application of Laws: Explain how the laws identified above are being applied to the facts. In other words, explain how the copyright laws in question are interpreted and implemented about internet content and how those impact the parties in the case.


Discuss the greater implications of the legal issue displayed.

Business Implications: Discuss the implications that the legal issues have on the business. For example, when applying the above example one could think about the ways in which IP disputes could impact reputation and economic characteristics on the e-commerce company and the ways they operate.

Alternative Strategies: Think of what other legal courses of action or remedies firms might take. Continuing from the example above, now describe how a company could manage IP risks using licensing agreements or avoiding the litigation route and using other approaches.

Permitted Risk Modification: Explain the methods of the legal and financial treatment of the risks. For instance, a law assignment may have strict measures in place like sequence examinations and legal reviews to ensure compliance thus lowering the chances of infringement.


Established from your analysis suggestion some suitable advice.

  • Implementation Strategies: Inform the businesses how they can go about using the law so that they will be able to follow it. For example, it may give advice on measures that will help in safeguarding the IP which includes registration of characteristics and copyright and how the same should be legally reviewed periodically.
  • Risk Management: Provide insightful information for minimizing the legal risks. For instance, cases within organizations can adapt mechanisms on how to resolve controversies in IP and use capital to arrange legal education for employees to have knowledge of their gains and losses in formation of IP.
  • Best Practice: Handbook that shows the ways on how Legal Practice may be administered properly. For instance, you can recommend that to avoid such issues and to ensure that there is clarity of several issues, clients be encouraged to draw up contracts and agreements regarding ownership of IP and rights to use.


Summarize the findings of your assignment and provide your final reflection.

Key Takeaways: Rewrite the main points as developed in your assignment. The importance of the legal issues and how this applies to business effects should also be highlighted.

Significance: Explain the issues would provide clarity and contribute to better agreement and management of risk.

Conclusion: Any concluding thoughts on the topic. Some comment on future implications of the legal issues or future developments that may occur in the legal landscape.


List all sources that you have consulted in your research. Follow the citation style that your instructor has indicated: books, articles, case laws, and other references you use in the analysis.

Appendices (if applicable)

Attach any supplementary materials relevant to support your analysis, such as charts, graphs, or any complementary documents. Label appropriately and ensure it is referenced in the body of the assignment.

Sample of Business Law Assignment

Topic: Case Study on Contract Enforcement


This assignment states an assumed case relating to the execution of a business contract between TechCorp Inc. and Innovate Solutions Ltd. The case revolves around the issue of the performance of a contract and legal redress under the principles of business law.

Case Summary

Background: U.S.-based technology company, TechCorp Inc. entered a contract with UK-based software development firm, Innovate Solutions Ltd. for developing a customized software application. Accordingly, Innovate Solutions was to develop the software application within six months. The agreement stated that delays beyond this period would attract penalties.

Issue: Innovate Solutions could not deliver the software in the agreed period on account of sudden technical difficulties that they experienced. TechCorp is looking into legal recourse in the case of breach of contract as well as looking for remedies for the loss of money due to the delay.

Legal Considerations

Entering a Contract

Offer and Acceptance: Every party involved in this contract has an apparent offer (TechCorp’s need to get the software) and its acceptance (Agreed that Innovate will develop the software).

Consideration: TechCorp has consented to pay a fixed sum, which is consideration for the service of.

Meeting of Minds: Both parties agreed to the term and evidence shows from the signatures.

Breach of Contract:

Statement: It happens when one of the parties meets a failure to perform the terms of the contract.

 Material Breach: The late delivery of the software more than the given timeline by Innovate will be a material breach because it sidesteps the point for having the contract.

Remedies for Breach


Compensatory Damages: TechCorp is entitled to compensatory losses in which it can recover direct and certain losses flowed by the non-proof of delay as:

Damages for Consequential Losses: If it can be shown by TechCorp that the loss arose from the delay in completion, this can be recovered too, such as lost revenue.

Specific Performance:

Definition: An equitable remedy that forces a party to a contract to fulfill or perform its obligations.

Applicability: It may not be so suitable to obtain specific performance if the software can indeed be developed by another party.


Definition: This is the cancellation of the contract and restoration of the parties to their respective original position.

Applicability will be the rescission if the delay significantly impacts the business of TechCorp.

Case Law:

Hadley v. Baxendale (1854): In this leading case, for the grant of consequential damages, it was determined that foreseeability shall be the touchstone.

Practical Recommendations

For TechCorp Inc.

Record Damages: Accumulate evidence of all monetary losses flowing from the delay.

Settle the Matter: Attempt to settle the matter with Innovate Solutions rather than litigate for a protracted period.

Review the Contract Terms: Let future contracts have a specific penalty clause and performance standards to reduce the level of risk.

For Innovate Solutions Ltd.

Informing on Delays: Time communication with a client on unforeseen problems and negotiations on time scale extension to deliver.

Risk Avatar:  To develop risk management at a point where delaying technical problems are minimized.

Legal Consultation: Taking legal determinations on the defenses against claims alongside an effective negotiation settlement.


The case of TechCorp Inc. vs. Innovate Solutions Ltd. is very illustrative of various critical aspects of contract enforcement and breach. It is through the comprehension of the contractual expectations, remedies available and many practical legal steps that novelty Innovate Solutions Ltd. and TechCorp Inc. can find a practical way through their legal dispute and ultimately enhance their contractual practice


  • Case Law: Hadley v. Baxendale (1854).
  • Legal Texts: Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials by Ewan McKendrick.
  • Statutory Law: Uniform Commercial Code (UCC),


Reproduced Contract between TechCorp Inc. and Innovate Solutions Ltd. Appendix B: Evidence for Damages by TechCorp Inc.

This sample assignment is a  version of the steps fed in the solution in analyzing a contract dispute to the actionable recommendation to be provided for the two parties. Required adjustments and verifications may be necessary depending upon specific requirements or case particulars.

Author info

Picture of Gulnaz Rasheed

Gulnaz Rasheed

Hi, I'm Gulnaz, a professional research writer. I have vast experience in writing research-based essays, assignments and literature reviews. I assist the international student community worldwide in writing their university-assigned tasks. I've been working with since 2020 as an assignment expert and have contributed to the success of many students from several universities worldwide.