infographics about writing a law assignment in international business

Perfect Approach to Write International Business Law Assignment

International business law is a combination of legal issues that deal with the operations of businesses on the international platform. Knowledge on the subject may become essential to help reduce the element of risks and ensure compliance in a world of global business. 

This blog provides an insight into how a tutorial in an international business law assignment can be approached, discussing critical issues to include: trade regulations, international contracts, and methods of dispute resolution. Introduction to the development of a comprehensive assignment requires clarity of international legal frameworks and implications for global business operations.

Introduction of  International Business Law Assignment

The introduction of your assignment should provide a clear overview of the international business law issues you will be addressing.

Definition of the Scope: Clearly demarcate the exact legal areas of focus and coverage that may involve international trade agreements, cross-border dispute resolution, intellectual property rights, corporate governance, or foreign investment laws.

Explain relevance: Discuss why these are important issues to international business operations; discuss implications for global trade, investment, and corporate strategy.

State objectives: Clearly state what you would like to achieve from your analysis. You may, for example, wish to establish whether international trade agreements work, or you may want to critically evaluate the problems surrounding the enforcement of intellectual property rights across borders.

Key Topics in International Business Law

International Trade Agreements

Overview: International trade agreements make global commerce easier and more appropriate because of the organization of regulations and reduction of tariffs. Some of the major agreements are:

  • NAFTA / USMCA: An investigation into how the North American Free Trade Agreement has supported and evidenced changes in trade between countries on the North American continent with a brief touch on its recent replacement, the United States Mexico-Canada Agreement.
  • EU Single Market: Discuss the policies of the European Union Single Market for free movement within the European Union to include goods, services, capital, and labor.


Trade Flow Impact: Discuss how these agreements have impacted trading patterns, market accessibility, and economic development.

Case Studies: Look at specific instances in which trade agreements affect business or market entry approaches.

Cross-Border Dispute Resolution

Overview: International business disputes may be very complex because of dissimilarities of the legal systems. The main mechanisms involve:

  • Arbitration: Consider the role of arbitration in international dispute resolution. The most well-known institutions are the International Chamber of Commerce, London Court of International Arbitration.
  •  Mediation: Demonstrate mediation as a less formal alternative to arbitration. Discuss the pros and cons of mediation.


Effectiveness: Compare the amount of effectiveness that constitutes arbitration and mediation in the context of different scenarios.

Legal Frameworks: International agreements and conventions that have made cross-border dispute resolution possible, such as the New York Convention on the Recognition and enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.

International Intellectual Property Rights

Overview: Protecting intellectual property (IP) across borders is crucial for maintaining competitive advantage. Key aspects include:

  • TRIPS Agreement: The paper discusses the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, known as the TRIPS Agreement, and its role in standardizing IP protection worldwide.
  • Enforcement Challenges: Investigate key issues in the enforcement of IP rights across jurisdictions.


Global Compliance: Observe the way business copes with diversified IP laws and manages compliance in many countries.

Case Studies: Look at the real instances of IP disputes and the way they were ended.

International Corporate Governance

Overview: Company authority standards vary throughout the world and affect the operations of most companies. Some main points to consider are:

  • OECD Guidelines: Research and discuss the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development standards of corporate authority and how they are being applied.
  • Governance Practices: Compare corporate governance practices among selected countries in relation to clarity, accountability, and stockholder rights.


Standards Comparison: Investigate the comparison of the different types of company governance standards and the international effects of operations.

Case Studies: Governance issues which international companies have faced.

Foreign Investment Laws

Overview: They govern the how and where of their businesses in foreign countries through the external direct investment laws.

  • Regulatory Environment: An assessment of the political climate for FDI of different countries including restrictions, purposes, and the approval procedures.
  • Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs): The importance of BITs in guaranteeing foreign investments with emphasis on measures established for the resolution of contentious issues.


Impact of Regulation: Evaluate the impact which laws regarding foreign investment have on the decisions of business and the strategy of investment.

 Case Studies: Take a closer look at some cases where FDI regulations have affected investment decisions.

Analytical Framework

Apply a systematic analytical framework to each of these topics:

  • Identify the Key Issues: identify what the major legal issues or problems are associated with the topic.
  • Apply Legal Principles: Application of legal principles and frameworks in analyzing issues. Applying IP law principles, for instance, to the evaluation of protection strategies.
  • Impact Assessment: Carry out scrutiny of how these legal issues affect the operations, strategy, and compliance of a business.

Practical Recommendations

Based on the above analysis, give some business-friendly recommendations for business operating in the international arena:

  • Agreement Strategies: Outline strategies to ensure the required compliance with international trade agreements, IP laws, and foreign investment regulations.
  • Risk Management: Propose how to manage legal risks associated with cross-border activities, other than establishing strong dispute resolution mechanisms.
  • Best Practices: Advise on best practices in navigating complex international legal landscapes by use of international legal resources and keeping abreast with the latest rules and regulations.


Summarize the primary discussion topic points leading your assignment: the major highlight of the section; sum up what it is about importance of international business law topics.

  • Future Implications: Imagine what further changes may be expected in the near and distant future of international business law and the impact they may have on the companies of the global level.
  • Final Thoughts: Provide your final message on how to do business in grasping the legal risks that might be encountered while tapping into the opportunities that are available in the international market.


Include a comprehensive list of sources used in your research: Include a comprehensive list of sources used in your research:

Books: Supply international business law books and other matters connected with the same so that students can get more information regarding the same.

Articles: These are articles that come from academic and professional domains, that give information on the legal concern being addressed.

Case Law: Indicate the significant cases, court decisions as well as the case laws you consider in your review above.

Legislation: Reference should be made to such sources as international treaties, conventions and national legislation.

Appendices (if applicable)

Provide any additional materials that support your analysis, such as:

  • Charts and Graphs: These are those visual aids that show key data or trends.
  • Additional Supporting Documentation: These are the added documents which would give context or information to your assignment.

International business law is a tough area that requires in-depth knowledge of the dissatisfying complicated legal matters that partake of global business. This elaborate guide was steered in a bid to analyze some of the key areas, recommend, and then present an insightful, well-organized assignment for you. This endeavor will not only help you understand international business law better but also help you prepare for real-life legal challenges as a manager in the global marketplace.

Frequently asked questions about International Business Law

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Picture of Gulnaz Rasheed

Gulnaz Rasheed

Hi, I'm Gulnaz, a professional research writer. I have vast experience in writing research-based essays, assignments and literature reviews. I assist the international student community worldwide in writing their university-assigned tasks. I've been working with since 2020 as an assignment expert and have contributed to the success of many students from several universities worldwide.