infographic with difference graph on open vs close thesis statement writing

Open Vs Closed Thesis Statements: Read Writing Tips With Examples

The most important aspect in the development of an essay is the thesis statement. It contains more than one central sentence, guides and controls the paper. Basically, there can be two kinds of thesis statements: open and closed. The difference between open and closed  thesis statements will enable you to develop far better and more prominent essays. 

In this blog, we’ll look at how to write both open and closed thesis statements. And will discuss which is more perfect thesis statement writing process, with related examples to explain the differences.

Purpose of a Thesis Statement

Through recognizing the perfect points of this discussion, let’s review what is the purpose of a thesis statement.

  • Focus: It provides focus to the structure and argument in the essay.
  • Clarity: It starts a clear signal to the reader about the main message.

In other words, a good thesis statement simply sets the tone of the essay. It offers the reader an idea of where the author comes from and where the essay is heading.

How to Write an Open Thesis Statement

The open thesis statement is broad and assists the author to implement a more examining approach towards the topic. It’s linked to essay types where the writer wants to explore an diversity of points or viewpoints without certainly investing in just one primary argument.

  • Select a topic: Choose a common topic in which you are interested and that reduces within the limits of your assignment.
  • Simplify your point: Provide a thesis that states the whole direction but does not include all the supporting points that will be discussed.
  • Allow for flexibility: Your thesis statement should be able to set a limit multiple range of the topic to be discussed.

Example of an Open Thesis Statement

“Online writing services changed the face of academic writing because of impacts on students’ skills, academic integrity, and educational standards. The online writing services has significantly influenced academic writing practices”

In this example, the thesis statement posits that the effect of online writing services on practicing academic writing shall be examined without reflecting on which elements will be discussed. This therefore allows the writer to discuss several elements such as:

  • Changes in writing quality: How the approach to online writing help has altered the quality of students’ academic assignments.
  • Impact on student learning: How the use of writing services affects or affects students’ learning experiences and writing skills.
  • Evolving writing trends: How online writing services impact new trends in academic writing and format.

Tips for Writing an Open Thesis Statement

Choose a General Subject: Narrow down a general subject you would like to adopt from a variety of viewpoints.

  • Be an exploratory thesis: An exploratory thesis-your direction in which the essay will move without being closed to several views.
  • Focus on themes: Larger themes or issues relatively than specifics or arguments even – what your subject will talk about.
  • General terms of broad language: Avoid reducing your thesis too early. Use general words or terms that include many ideas or discussions.
  • Be flexible: An open thesis enables you to change direction when you are structuring your essay. Be ready to adapt therefore to any new exposes arising.
  • Example tip: For an essay about online writing services, an open thesis would be something like, “online writing services impact many aspects of academic writing,” then you can highlight the several impacts, such as the impact it has on the quality of writing, in students’ education, and the evolving trends.

How to Write a Closed Thesis Statement

It is more specific; it gives a plan for the major argument of the essay. Mostly, it’s used for those essays where one argues about something.

  • Define your argument: Intentionally decide on what accurately you want to argue or put across.
  • Be specific: Present your argument in specific terms-state what precisely you will prove or discuss.
  • Outline your main points: A short-term explanation of key points that will support your point.

Example of a Closed Thesis Statement

“Online writing services increase academic writing by offering professional improving for grammar and clarity, improving structural consistency through better association, and providing personalized feedback that addresses specific weaknesses in student writing”

This is a closed thesis statement, as it identifies the three points to be discussed in the essay, which include professional editing, structural consistency, and altered feedback. It does indeed show the route or direction the essay will take and gives the reader an idea of completely what to expect.

Why is a Closed Thesis Effective?

A closed thesis statement is effective for several reasons:

  • Specificity: It gives the essay clear direction – the writer can keep on track, and so can the reader, following the argument.
  • Focus: The closed thesis grants the essay to focus on whatever points are made inside of it, thereby not allowing it to get too broad or even become unfocused.
  • Structure: This allows the structure of the essay to be arranged, since each point developed in the thesis could be explained distinctly in various sections or paragraphs.

Tips for Writing a Closed Thesis Statement

  • Identify an argument: Clearly identify a specific and clear argument or point that you want to make about your topic.
  • Be concise: State the argument in a concise method by indicating just what your essay will prove or argue.
  • Mention major supporting points: Briefly list the main supporting points that prove your argument in this thesis statement to give an overview of your whole essay.
  • Maintain focus: Each point included in your thesis should severely be about your argument and be developed in the essay.
  • Avoid ambiguity: A close thesis should leave no doubt on the direction of your essay; the area to be discussed must be clear in the thesis.
  • Example tip: For an essay on online writing services, a closed thesis could be: “Online writing services enhance academic writing through professional editing, improved coherence and personalized feedback,” which sets up a clear structure through discussing these three benefits.

Through following these tips, you shall be able to write effective thesis statements which serve to bring clarity and focus to your essays and hence make your arguments more convincing and logically flowing.

Final Thoughts

In all, this blog is to be helpful in learning how both open and closed thesis statements can be developed. The ability to master such approaches allows you to highlight how to bring clarity and focus on your essay for the purpose of making your arguments more proving, thereby sending your ideas across.

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Picture of Gulnaz Rasheed

Gulnaz Rasheed

Hi, I'm Gulnaz, a professional research writer. I have vast experience in writing research-based essays, assignments and literature reviews. I assist the international student community worldwide in writing their university-assigned tasks. I've been working with since 2020 as an assignment expert and have contributed to the success of many students from several universities worldwide.