Infographic explaining different types of creative writing assignments, including short stories, poetry, personal essays, scripts, and creative nonfiction.

What Are Creative Writing Assignments?

Creative writing assignments are helpful for students to practice writing and communicate with a piece of writing their thoughts. Through Creative writing you can explain your feelings or even a story you have thought of. These tasks do not limit you from only writing essays, which makes it easier to be more creative. 

The type of work assigned to a creative writing class can include short stories and poetry, among others. The primary intention of creative writing is to try out various categories and styles in writing. This blog helps you get written assignments in creative way and the way how to write these assignments.

Major Types of Creative Writing Assignments

Assignments in creative writing can undertake the most different forms, and every type of assignment will allow you to reveal creativity in a way and to the limit never thought possible. Some common types include:

Short Stories

These short stories can be purely imaginary and mainly concentrate on one aspect or person. Most of the short stories attempt a given idea within a short time. For example, the short story may focus on the psychological processes of a character going through a specific change in their life, such as changing a city or losing someone. An example of a work you could do in a Sociology class is a short story about how culture affects people’s actions.


Creative writing is not always limited to text but can include sections. Poems can be of many kinds, including Haiku, which is free from much meter and rhyme. So, poetry can be stated to be one of the richest and most versatile kinds of writing. 

Through it, authors can play with words and merge feelings into small pieces of text. One of the many poetry assignments that could be innovative is a set of Haiku. Haiku illustrates the different seasons about belonging to a particular group.

Personal Essays

These essays give you a chance to think and write about events in your life. They are a form of writing that allows a writer to share some universal truths and touch the reader’s heart with the help of the writer’s experience. For example, a sample of personal writing lives on the difficulties and expertise of education between high school and college.


Playwriting holds the invention of scripts, especially dialogues for the screen or scripts for the cinema. Scripts require writers to consider visuals and sounds, as the writer is restricted to speaking only. An example of a script assignment could be to write a one-act play set in the future. It focuses on the characters’ struggle to survive and their ability to fight for their values.

Creative Nonfiction

Such a type holds realistic stories that work literary techniques and maybe memoirs or essays. Creatively written news is a mixture of fact and fiction that we sometimes use to report exciting and innovative articles. An example of a Creative writing assignment might be to write a story about a large journey.

Read blog: How to Write an Abstract for an Assignment in Perfect Way

What topics to write about

The choice process of the topics for writing is an important phase that forms the beginning of writing. Here are a few directions to help you choose:

Personal Interests

You should write about topics that interest or affect you. Readers will see your passion for the selected topic, which will make the content more appealing to them. For example, if you value issues related to environmental safety, you can write a story set in a world where people are made to look for ways of living sustainably.

Current Events

It is suitable to write based on news outcomes or incidents in society. Writing about the matters around us makes your work relevant and thought-inspiring. For instance, you can compose a poem that describes the effects of social networking on interpersonal relationships. You can also write a fiction piece which outlines a community’s suffering due to climate change.

Historical Events

History is rich in materials, which always serve as a basis for a suitably interesting and unusual story. Historical events make for good settings and backgrounds when writing novels. As a writer you can develop the time and place in which the characters exist. 

For instance, in a history class, you can create an imaginary diary of a man/woman living in China during the Boxer Rebellion period. The diary would describe the troubles and goals of the Chinese during that period.

Similarly, you are assigned to write an assignment in a UK university about French-English clashes in the 100 Years’ War. You can write about power games and royal conspiracies running on both sides.


Writing prompts are one of the best ways to help strengthen your mind and inspire creative thinking. These can be fixed, where you are asked to write down anything that comes to mind about a given topic or theme. 

It’s a method where you are given directions to write from the beginning. For example, a prompt can be a task to create a story where the first line is ‘It was a dark and stormy night’. This prompt describes a world in which people and animals can speak.

Outline for Creative Writing Assignments

Developing an outline is a good way of coming to a proper framework for your writing. So that your writing can be orderly. Here’s a basic outline for a short story:


  • State the main characters
  • Explain the location where the story is to take place.
  • Choose the setting in which the story will be performed.
  • Give brief information about it.


Outline the main opposition or the issue the story revolves around. This is the motivation within the plot of the narrative.

Rising Action

Continue the plot, regularly increasing the conflict. Explain how the characters cope with it. Explain the difficulties assuming they are involved in a conflict.


That part of the movie which is usually the climax or the highlight. This is where the hostility climaxes.

Falling Action

  • Start on the process of conflict solving.
  • Explain how the climax follows.
  • Analyze how the character must deal with the effects of that moment.


Concluding the story, the conflicts should be solved. Ensure that the conclusion of a story gives a satisfactory ending to all the transitional stories.

Find Topics to Write About

Picking the right subject for the creative writing assignment is partly feeling and partly the process of, well, research. You can find the topic for writing, for example writing business law assignments, through the conclusion of the following steps:

Reading Widely

  • Reading many types of stuff, especially books, magazines, and articles.
  • Reading also recovers your creativity and provides you with new ideas or views.
  • Reading works of several authors, ranging in time span and works in various styles.
  • Such engagement with a historical novel might also trigger you to write your historical fiction. Different varieties and writing styles offer unique insights which can influence your creativity.


You can find something to write about if you only open your eyes to what happens in the world. In fact, you can find inspiration in people’s communication, nature, or the by-constructed urban surroundings. For example, watching people in a park can cause a narration of an unknown story of the persons who passed by.


Writing in a journal is useful. It allows you to write about something that comes to your mind as you work on other tasks. It also turns into bigger projects. Expressing yourself through writing and noting down the events of the day are excellent skills. These skills form a basis for creative writing. For example, a journal entry that relates a tough day at work can then be developed into a personal narrative. Its focus is on hardship.


A conversation with friends, family members, or colleagues in general discussions and overall chit chat can come up with amazing ideas for writing. Topics that relate to recent or ongoing events, the speaker’s life, or both individuals’ interests can contribute new angles. For example, discussing the topic of traveling can lead to the creation of a story. This story is based in an exotic location.

Creative Writing Topics for Students

Here are some engaging topics that students can consider for their creative writing assignments:

Life of a Historical Character

In this case, the best thing is to try to picture a single day in someone’s life. The following is the narrative of their experience in terms of thoughts, challenges, and achievements.

Future World

Technology and humanity’s desire have led to the complete transformation of society. Discuss trends like technology, the environment, or social trends.

Social Issues

Relate today’s problem situations in terms of specific characters. For example, write down a narration of a person in a situation concerning immigration. The person faces weighted racial discrimination or broken mental health.

Personal Journey

In an autobiographical essay, talk about one important event that happened to you. Explain how it changed your life. Teaching and learning experiences can be analyzed using the following questions:

  • What have you learned?
  • How has the experience of teaching and learning changed your identity?

Fantasy World

Create a brand-new world with people and laws only of your own creation. Provide a rich context and interesting protagonists. Study the subject matter of action and heroism, or the lack of it.

Examples of Creative Writing Topics

It is essential to understand that creative writing needs coming up with the topic on your own. Below are some ideas that you can use:

Historical Fiction

Select one of the great historical periods and create a story based on that period. The story might be the American Civil War or the Industrial Revolution. Find out how fictional characters existed in this period.

Speculative Fiction

These works position some questions such as:

  • What if this historical event had occurred differently?
  • What if the Supporters had been defeated, showing a different world today?

Cultural Exploration

Compose a narrative focusing on telling the customs, faiths, and way of life of a particular culture. This could be your own culture that you feel would be interesting to learn about.

Creative Writing Assignments Formats

Creative writing assignments can come in quite a few forms. Here are a few examples:

Narrative Format

This format is usually utilized in short stories and personal essays. It applies where there is a clear strand of a plot with the main events taking place in the middle.

Organizational structure

Having a format of writing involving such elements like characters and plotlines provides shapes for the writers.

Poetry Format

When it comes to the structure of the poem, there is no shortage of options. The key components of poetry include language, images or pictures and passion.

Script Format

Scripts for plays and or movies similarly have a format. It involves word scripts such as dialogues and directorial scripts or stage directions. Use of characters during creative writing in script format must affect the way that they speak. It also affects the way they relate to each other.

Epistolary Format

This involves writing letters or diaries. It is one of the thrilling techniques of story writing. The epistolary format enables writers to share characters’ ideas and feelings in one way that is close to real life.

Creative Writing Assignments Sample

A creative writing sample is a document of a particular work that proves your writing skills. A good writing sample must show the reader how well a specific idea is conveyed. It explains your mastery of grammatical rules, structures, and your style.

  • Submit 10-15 pages of your best writing.
  • If you usually write poetry, send poems.
  • If you write stories or plays, send those.
  • You can also mix different types of writing if you want.
  • Focus on quality, not quantity.

Being assigned creative writings as assignments is always a great chance to show oneself and, at the same time, to try new ways of self-expression. A few tips about the categories are: The length doesn’t matter whether you’re writing a short story, poetry, or a script. The focus is on the topics which you are interested in and the attempted forms. With the help of these steps and the listed examples, you can develop effective and unique assignments in creative writing. Good Luck!

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Picture of Gulnaz Rasheed

Gulnaz Rasheed

Hi, I'm Gulnaz, a professional research writer. I have vast experience in writing research-based essays, assignments and literature reviews. I assist the international student community worldwide in writing their university-assigned tasks. I've been working with since 2020 as an assignment expert and have contributed to the success of many students from several universities worldwide.